Obama Immigration Actions To Be Ruled On, Examined
By Michael Mitchell Jan 24, 2016The case is expected to be argued in April and decided by June, just before the presidential-nominating conventions of the Democratic and Republican parties.
While the Supreme Court hears the case, Amparo and her son said they will have to wait and hope for the best.
The high court will take up President Obama's executive actions on immigration which have been blocked by lower courts. DAPA shields undocumented immigrants with children legally residing in the US who have been in the country since 2010.
If the Supreme Court sees that Texas and the other states have standing, the Justices will then turn to the main issue in the case-if President Obama exceeded his constitutional power by ordering the immigration reforms without the approval of Congress.
Democrat officials and pro-immigrant advocates praised the court's action.
The action was directed at people who have no criminal records and whose children are USA citizens.
That earlier program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is not being challenged and has resulted in more than 720,000 young immigrants being granted permission to live and work in the United States.
"Both my parents drive to pick up sister from school, to buy groceries, to go to work - and that's something we fear", said Trujillo.
Now that the Court has made a decision to hear Texas v. U.S., DAPA and expanded DACA could become available to qualified applicants later this year.
Republican front-runner Donald Trump has repeatedly bashed Obama over his executive actions, saying that if he is elected president, he will undo many of them, especially those involving immigration, within an hour of taking the oath of office. "If this can't be a priority for the court in making a good decision...this won't have a good impact on my kids or me", she said.
He's among 4 million parents living in the United States that would be shielded from deportation under the Presidents order on immigration because his three children are United States citizens. But if the administration loses, court battles could keep the program on hold for several more years.
"Like millions of families across this country - immigrants who want to be held accountable, to work on the books, to pay taxes and to contribute to our society openly and honestly - we are pleased that the Supreme Court has chose to review the immigration case", White House spokeswoman Brandi Hoffine said.
She said she is confident of the legality of the order and that the Supreme Court will rule in Obama's favour.
"This is, in fact, part of President Obama's right to enact prosecutorial discretion to say who can be deported or who should not be deported", said Immigration Project Executive Director, Jasmine McGee.
Arizona is one of 28 states challenging the action.
Bloomington has a large population of immigrants who came to the US illegally.
For them, the possibility of deportation is even worse because if anything happened, the two would be sent to two different countries.
Taiwanese President-Elect Blasts China for Criticizing K-Pop Idol
In her speech, Ms Tsai hailed a "new era" in Taiwan and pledged to co-operate with other political parties on major issues. Her party suggested in May that Taiwan's laws change to raise wages and cut work weeks from 84 per two weeks to 40 in one.
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